domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

Official Synopsis of "The Killer"!


THE HUNTER'S MARK- Stefan and Klaus form an uncomfortable alliance for containing the danger Connor has caused in the city. When Connor takes as hostages Jeremy, Matt and April, Stefan and Damon have a serious disagreement about the best course of action, Elena is trapped again between the two brothers. The situation fastly turns out violent when Klaus sends one of his hybrids, Dean, to face Connor. Caroline surprises when she finds Hayley in the Lockwood mansion. Meanwhile, Shene's professor works with Bonnie for helping her to give up her fear and blame. The episode was written by Muchael Narducci and directed by Chris Grismer.

Alexander's First Images

We have the first images of Alexander, interpreted by the actor Paul Telfer, who is a hunter of the 1100 years which we'll know through a flashback and that will allow us to know more about Rebeckah's past.

TV Guide Scans: Details of "The Five"

The new edition of the TV Guide Magazine shows us new details about episode 4x04 named "The Five".

Christmas arrives to Mystic Falls

It seems like The Vampire Diaries will have a white Christmas this years. From the social networks arrive images of the recording set of the 10th episode of this season which will be dedicated to this so expected celebration. But knowing how this celebrations end in the series, we are not sure if they could have a "Silent Night, Holy Night...."

sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012

An unstable love triangle

In an interview with The News, Nina, Ian and Paul talk about the future of this love triangle which increasingly complicates.

A revelation that will change the season's course...

The 4th season of The Vampire Diaries is probable the most controversial. The season is very advanced and surprises will be shown. Klaus is alive. Elena is a vampire, the Council is a new threat and appears a vampire hunter in Mystic Falls, which will complicate the things for everyone. This week we talk with Claire Holt about Rebeca, her Klaus's separation, how is been having her old costarin H20: Phoebe Tonkin at the set and the course it's gonna drive this season, which will make things change.

Screen Spy: Klaus chooses saving Caroline first than Rebekah in the season premiere. She's been totally unpriced by her brother. How is this gonna affect to the  relationship with the others in this season's future?

Claire Holt. Rebekah has always been there for her brother. Returning to the scene of the season's premiere she says to him: "It's always been me. No Elijah. No Kol. No Finn. Me." So she felt really betrayed for him and that definitively is gonna affect to their relationship during the season. She's really stubborn, she wants them to be a close family, and she loves her brother. She's also furious with him for having betrayed her again. I think it's a really interesting dynamic for both of them. For much i like when Klaus and Rebeca are a team, it's also interesting having those scenes where they are in a discussion. So i can say to you, that without doubt it will play a really important part in this season.

Screen Spy: It''s it gonna be so difficult for Rebeca to keep her head up and continue in the high school this year?

Claire Holt: She's gonna try to pretend that it doesn't affect her. She's gonna play that bad girl role. But everything is an actuation. Obviously, the isolation it's gonna be very difficult for her. At the same time, they're gonna be some funny elements. She really can't decide what she wants. It will arrive a moment in which that doesn't mean anythinh. She wants to be the tough girl, but in reality she isn't like that, so without doubt, she will be in that dynamic. I have to do some really fun scenes where she plays with this aspect.

Screen Spy: Phoebe Tonkin and you have shared some scene together?

Claire Holt: Not yet. I'm waiting. We'll see. I'd really liked to see converted into allies. But all this depends on Julie Plec.

Screen Spy: In the 4th episode, "The Five", seams like it's gonna be really intense. It mentions the powerful vampire hunters connected to Klaus's past, and we know Rebeca will offer news which will dazzle Stefan. What do you can share with us?

Claire Holt: It's enormous! What Rebeca reveals is really important to the direction and the future of the next season. And the series too. Definitevly, the thinking of all will change. without doubt it will be a game change, but i can't reveal more. You'll have to see it!

New Clip of "The Five"

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

"The Five" Promo!

Friends from the past or something more?

Phoebe Tonkin appears in Mystic Falls this Thursday as Hayley, a werewolf who helped Tyler liberate from Klaus mental control. As a result, she and the hybrid have shared a traumatic experience, which could mean a problem for the actual Tyler's romance.

"Hayley is a little threat for that relationship (Tyler/Caroline) cause she shares a story with Tyler" says Tonkin. "She met Tyler during a moment very emotice when he was breaking his link with Klaus".

In difficult situations like that people uses to lean each other and... something more. Then, can the spectators trust about what they had in the past was only friendship? "All we know is that they were friends and that they went through a very important thing together, so they have a special link because of that", answers the actress. "So they were nothing but good friends. But i don't know if, at the beginning, Caroline thinks that".

This doubt will make that it will be "a little bit of tension" between the girls cause the blond vampire feels "a bit threat by Hayley cause she doesn't know how much close she and Tyler were at the past", says Tonkin. Regarding at the hybrid, he's "a little bit surprised" for the unexpected appearence of her friend, "because she is, obviously, someone of her past, a past which we don't know much. But she's a good friend, so he's happy to see her".

Tonkin advises the fans of this couple not to worry too much. "Caroline and Tyler have his own problems right now", she says. "I don't think Hayley will be a priority to Caroline at this moment. They have a lot of more importnat things about what to care. And the werewolf, also, has a mission, so starting a relationship (or breaking it) isn't in her plans.

"She's hiding a secret, and she's trying to discover something really important to her that we'll know in its moment" explains the actress. Although all the mess Hayley can create, Tonkin expects the audience to like her character.

Wether they are friends or something more, Hayley's arrival will wake jealousy that could bring her close to Klaus.

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

What is Hayley looking for in Mystic Falls?


We thought wrong at first about Phoebe Tonkin's character, Hayley, she won't mess up things between Tyler and Caroline. Hayley returns to find some answers about her past.
Hayley has other things in mind than to try to get Tyler out of Caroline. Hayley isn't there to do something bad or end someone's relationship - says Tonkin - Hayley is not very feministic, she just enjoys hanging out with guys. She returns to Mystic Falls because she's trying to discover some things about her past and the people that are in Mystic Falls that manage information that she is interestes in" And remembering she's a werewolf, you better be careful!

What mystery is she hiding? Who is she looking for?

First stills of "The Killer"!

First image with Hayley

As we know the ex member of the secret circle, Phoebe Tonkin, will make her apearence in this thrusday's episode "The Rager" acting as a werewolf named Hayley.

The insider show us the first image with Hayley sharing scene with Caroline and Tyler.

About this thursday's episode "The Rager", the executive producer Julie Plec reveles us what we can expect: "important changes, in all ambits, for all characters".

Julie says that the flashback of the episode of tomorrow will open us door to a big mythology that will be reveled. "They will appear some problems between characters that we went they get along and good moments between characters we normally see them together", says Plec.

First stills of 4x05 "The Five"!

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

New video of "The Rager"!

Two brothers, one girl. Let the arguments ensue. Watch an all new episode of TVD Thursday at 8/7c.

Still hope for Klaroline?

A few days ago EW visited the set of Vampire Diaries in Atlanta, Morgan said that in the first episodes of the new season the fans would see abit more of both them together! "We'll see they're relationship, but i don't mean relationship as they were dating - but of course will see a dynamic between them growing" she said.

How? He didn't say. But he says he enjoys of the opportunity of showing more of Klaus. "I admire acting as the sweet side of him in the scenes with Caroline, it gives me a chance to do it" he says. "So I hope i still have a chance with her. I think evertbody deserves love and a second chance".

Spoiler Alert!

The CW has revealed a few detailes about the next episode. Some of them we already knew but one of them in particular surprised us.

In episode 6 of this 4th season "alucinations will leave Elena confused what will help her to make a mistake".

What does it mean? What mistake?

We'll know, meanwhile don't miss the next episode "The Rager".

martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Jeremy and Connor

What does Connor's a ttatoo means? And why was Jeremy the only one able to see it? In the next episode u'll see...

During the last episode we could see a tattoo in Connor's arm that is the same that Jeremy has in the promotional pictures of this new season. About that Julie plec comented in EW but he hasn't reveled anything yet, we can wait patient but we weon't have to wait much!

When will we discover the meaning of the tattoo in Connor's arm, the one that was visible for Jeremy and not for Matt?

Julie Plec: "We'll know what's the drawing in the tattoo and what does it mean in the end of episode 4 The Five".

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

First news about 4x04: The Five!

For those who hadn't watched the last episodes...

For those who couldn't see the last episodes, here the promo of the two of 'em! If after seeing the promo u wanna watch the episode, click on the link i offered u on the last post!

4x01--> Growing Pains

4x02--> The Memorial

Webs to see episodes

Here two websites that are very good for seeing vampire diaries (what we recommend):

To see "Growing Pains" 4x01:

1. Series Yonkis -->
Link to watch the video->
2. Series ly -->

Link to watch the video:

To see "The Memorial" 4x02:

Link to watch the video on Series Yonkis:

Link to watch the video on Series ly:


The Rager: New Episode on Thursday!

BORN TO BE WILD- Connor (vampire hunter) continues his search to uncover the secrets of Mystic Falls and tries to convince Jeremy to work with him.

With Dr. Fell´s help, Damon and Klaus question Connor, but the confrontation takes a lethal turn.,
Trying to keep her new life as normal as possible, Elena is determined to continue her senior year at Mystic Falls High with the support from Matt and Caroline. Rebekah´s arrival at school makes it difficult for Elena to control her anger, but she learns that confronting Rebekah can be extremely dangerous. Later, Rebekah realizes how alone she is, and reaches out to April.

Stefan takes Elena on a thrilling motorcycle ride in an effort to show her that life can still be fun. Tyler gets a surprise visit from Hayley (guest star Phoebe Tonkin) a werewolf who  helped him through the ordeal of breaking his sire-bond to Klaus. Concerned about Elena, as well as his emotions, Stefan turns to a sympathetic Caroline for advice.

Lance Anderson directed the episode written by Brian Young.

Welcome ;)

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My answer is : NO! 
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Meanwhile i let u enjoy of this 4th season!

Posting soon!