miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013

A University Vampire

Transformed into a vampire at the beginning of the season 4 of The Vampire Diaries, Elena will still have long teeth in season 5. And inevitably, she will have many problems to overcome, as a result for her condition in the fifth season since the protagonist goes to a new stage and be vampire is not something too practical at University.

"I think the most important issue for her is to protect her secret. In Mystic Falls, we saw that it was already very difficult to hide it to her and now that she is exposed to a new world and a new life it will be even more," says the creator of The Vampire Diaries, Julie Plec.

From now on will have a double life, on one hand the human student's and on the othera vampire. And all of this will generate problems and will fill the frames of the fifth season of the series.

Klaus, Caroline, and their future

We don't know yet nothing clear about what will happen in the coming season in the universe of The Vampire Diaries, with the spin-off 'The Originals', based in New Orleans, which will have a stripe to Klaus, Rebekah and her family. How can evolve, in season 5, the relationship between Caroline and Klaus, if they are separate? There is no more hope for this unlikely couple, that encouraged the end of season 4?

'We haven't made a decision yet about their history. Now we must be more judicious when it shows sequences between them. We will see how we will do ', says the creator of The Vampire Diaries, Julie Plec. 'Klaus has a long way to go. He has a very, very, very long road to redemption. He is not entirely an angel. Although he've done good things for Caroline, not necessarily outweigh all the harmful things that made to her and her friends '.

While Caroline grows and goes to University, for having the experience of a new phase of her life, will see if she still fells something for Klaus and if he comes to change enough to be able to be part of his life. ' Between Klaus and Caroline, the story has not finished yet...

Paul Wesley's revelation's: There will be a new love for Stefan?

During his stay in Europe, to attend a Convention, the protagonist of The Vampire Diaries' Paul Wesley has had time to chat with fans of the series and with journalists about the future of his character in the series.

Fans made him many questions about the relationship between his character and Caroline. His answer surprised more than one. Reviewed believes that long-term partner Stefan/Caroline will be a reality and that this season already have approached taking the first steps in this direction. But the process will be very slow, since it will not be something that is going to happen from one day to another. For now, they are friends and above all, have other problems to keep them busy.

In addition to the comment that he said that he sees very little the series when it is on the air on television because it horrifies him seeing him on-screen, explained that the final scene, when he is in the water to drown, took 9 hours to be rolled. He said he was really tired when they finished because it was sold out and made stomach shreds of so much water in the mouth constantly. With humor has ensured that when he saw on the screen that scene only lasted 10 seconds gave him an attack.

Finally, Paul Wesley finished speaking about the season 5 of The Vampire Diaries, already ordered by The CW. He said that he is prepared to give life to Silas and interpret a bad guy because it is something that we will love and that he hopes to have time to explore that character. He also would like that at times, dead people continue dead, because if it continues back to life, fans of the series will end up not feeling anything when one of the characters dies. It ensures that it is not because it does not feel at ease with which certain characters appear again in the series, but he believes that it could organize his return in another way, in the form of flashbacks for example, that would be more logical and would have more impact.