sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2012

Elena and Damon pass to action? Are their real feelings?


After the events in the episode of last Thursday, our minds are full of doubts and questions about what we can expect. Executive producer Julie Plec breaks the silence and tells us everything (or almost everything).

Zap2it: The spawning link has been a very discussed topic during the last two weeks. How long have you been thinking? Did you know when Elena was transformed that you like to follow this path?

Plec: In fact it occurred to us when we started to treat the history of hybrids with Tyler. When Tyler was begotten by Klaus, and Damon said: "Oh, shit, I know what is this", he planted the seed that, when finally we were down that road with Elena, the vampire that Elena drink blood could engender to the. From there it was a logical conclusion that would be Damon, so it really is something that we have been thinking for a long time. The reason why we have kept alive the history of hybrids this year and as the main theme, has been to create that context for the public so that when we enteráramos Elena has been engendered, everything would make sense.

Zap2it:  It is no doubt alarming for the fans that have been waiting to see Damon and Elena together and that they finally could roll up, and also intersperse it with evidence that her feelings for him are not real. There is still the hope that her feelings for him are real?

Plec: Without position myself in one or other of the sides, just by looking at it objectively, from our point of view as narrators, there is more hope than ever for them. What happens is that it is combined with a lot of very deep doubts. Damon is a character who, throughout his life - like vampire and as a human being - has been looking for acceptance, and that someone finally says, "Hey, you're good enough". Finally, it is something that achieves by Elena, and now has put it in doubt. He wants to believe that it is real. She really believes that it is real. But it is the persistent question of what percentage of those feelings are real and what percentage is the effect of a begotten link. It is a question that will make these two people who care for the other so deeply, and we only have put this small obstacle in its way. They have to find a way to overcome it.

Zap2it: I was saddened to see how Twitter reviles Elena because they think she has surpassed her break too soon, sleeping with Damon after leaving it with Stefan. Do you have the concern in the room of writers that was jumping into arms and Damon bed too fast?

Plec: What we wanted to do in the writers room was given to Stefan and Elena the rupture more humane, honest and respectable for a couple that has been so important for so long, and put and end point, so that the end could give rein to their freedom and passion and that interest has been growing for more than two seasons and a half. In the real world, does it happen so fast? You can that does not. But I believe that the reason for the breakdown is that finally can give in to those feelings by Damon, and then ask the question of "Oh my God. Is that what you really felt, or is part of the supernatural relationship between them? “

Zap2it: I loved Stefan in this episode. It is actually in the limit – particularly in the scenes with Jeremy, in giving a little scary. His heart broken by Elena has the potential to push him back into his path as a ripper?

Plec: Oh, definitely is walking on a tightrope, and continue to do so. He is trying to be reasonable, he is trying to be rational, but it is very clearly emotionally driven by desire, as she said, "fix it". In favour of Stefan, we could say that he is right. He actually might be true, that is not what is and is not who is it supposed to be, so his desire is to try to correct that at all costs. So the question that we are going to explore is: does this is who she really is? We do not know.

Zap2it: Before the rupture, Damon and Stefan were the best time in which have been like brothers, long overdue. Is this in danger now?

Plec: Well, the situation now is somewhat compromised by the circumstances, but both, to speak in its favour, will try to follow a set path in the next episode.  What the two are able to work together to do what's right by each other, and Elena, one actually starts the next chapter of the series.

Zap2it: This week, Stefan found a murderer who turned into a vampire to then kill him, but in the episode of last week, the victim of Jeremy was a hybrid friend of Tyler who had just help them. There is a kind of this contempt for the lives of others, outside his closest circle. Is that a theme you are going to treat? It obviously caused some tension between Tyler and Caroline.

Plec: For what served is to basically let Tyler to be the voice of conscience, and the voice of reason. He is saying, ' Hey, you're doing something thinking it is right, but I do not approve it, is not well, and is not good ". It is a kind of reminder of Jiminy cricket that our heroes are doing things to protect what they love, but there is a somewhat murky area there. In our series, there is a fine line that separates the hero from the villain. We want to make it clear that the fact that Stefan and Damon think that something is true, does not mean that it is.

Zap2it: Next week Stefan tells Damon about suspicions about the link to go to New Orleans to look for some answers, and we have a Flashback of when were in 1940. What you most want people to see?

Plec: It is a nice view over Damon and who was then and who I wanted to be, especially in relation to his brother, and how I wanted to do the right thing by his brother then. Somehow it explains its decision on how to do the right thing by his brother right now. We will return to see our favorite girl Lexi, who has been working hard since the days of Stefan Ripper so return to the right path. She goes up to Damon to tell him: "Well, the next step in his recovery is reconciled with his brother". In one way of looking at that time were found.

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