viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2013

5 things we should know about Season 5


ETonline had access to the first episode of season five and it say: "it is without doubt the best season's premiere The Vampire Diaries has had".

"Not only does a stellar overview of what has happened in the last three months, but they also present three new mysteries while continuing to expand the mythology..."

We can not advance much of the plot of the episode but here are 5 things that you should know.

1. The first is the first, the elephant in the room. Those who think that the rupture in real life of Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder could affect negatively the relationship between Damon and Elena, you are totally wrong. Not only they are two fully professional actors, but that their relationship is more ardent than ever... and it is put to very good use in the first six minutes. And that includes two separate Damon shirtless scenes...

2. Delena aren't the only which have sex in their minds. Matt is a pimp. A PIMP. Their European adventure with Rebekah provides undoubtedly Mabekah fans exactly the rupture they wanted before she went to New Orleans (a.k.a. TheOriginals spinoff).Sadly, Matt brings something worse than an STD Europe.

3. Questionable reasons appear in the season's premiere when they appear a couple of new characters with a curious history. The most notable is Megan, the unexpected--and unwanted--new roommate of Elena and Caroline. You have to take a look because Julie Plec and company never introduce a character without a reason. Even April had a purpose, right?

4. The purpose of Katherine this season revealed as something much more significant to simply show the side effects of taking the cure. Although towards the end of the episode we were asking why exactly [SPOILER] keeps our old vampire in such high esteem. And her dopplengager continues being a problem for her future.

5. The other dopplegangers, Silas and Stefan, have also other reasons to twinkle (quite literally in the case of Stefan since their enclosed hallucinations are impressive works of a large outbreak of beauty.) Meanwhile, the epic moment of Silas displayed the progress of the Comic Con acquires greater force during the episode. And a specific time was omitted intentionally from that scene, ensuring that you gritaréis "OMG!" as the episode fades to black.

Stills of #5.02, "True Lies"

Interview to Kat Graham and Paul Wesley

Ian Somerhalder: Silas is like Damon in the First Season

jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013

5 New Faces of Season 5


When The Vampire Diaries returns for its fifth season on October 3, fans may feel as if they were watching a new series: Elena is officially with Damon, and she and Caroline are now students of the nearby University of Whitmore. Damon is living with Jeremy, who is the only one that knows that Bonnie died after resurrecting him. And Stefan, the Doppelgänger of Silas, was trapped underwater surely drowning over and over again. "You have all these strange dreams and visions", says Paul Wesley, "and when you leave, will suffer a kind of postrauatico stress disorder."

All these changesare new, and beautiful, expensive that they will join our favorites in Mystic Falls. We asked the Executive producers Julie Plec and Caroline Dries so to submit them to us.

Silas (Paul Wesley)

The face is familiar, but is a completely different role for Wesley, who now plays an immortal 2000-year-old who quickly returns to Mystic Falls. "The fun of Silas is that it is very similar to the first season Damon since plot something but no one can find out that it is," says executive producer Julie Plec. "Damon in particular, is becoming mad because the roles are reversed. Do if you remember the first season, Stefan was always telling him to Damon ' what frames?' and Damon was like, 'That is something that only I know me and you...'. Silas is using the same tricks that Damon, it touches to Damon to get to the bottom of what you want to Silas, what you are doing to get it, how it will affect them all, and finally, how to stop it." Wesley is agreed that Silas is fun: "Silas definitely sees Damon as someone who is below her, at all levels - experience, knowledge." Damon has always been the pusher that surpasses all others. So it's fun, "says Wesley. "I'm taking the rematch for the languid and sad Stefan for five years."

Aaron (Shaun Sipos)

As says the Executive producer Caroline Dries, "girls are going to College, and not only to study and learn. They go for the guys." They know the human student Jesse in the premiere. "It starts being just someone who finds to our dear Caroline Forbes very interesting and attractive. "And she, of course, remains faithful to Tyler, who still has not appeared in the University," Plec says. "She tries to keep him at Bay without hurting their feelings, but is very sweet, ready and tempting." Furthermore, it is also something more: "as we come to know him, opens the doors to a great mystery that is taking place at the University," said Dries. 'It is rooted in the supernatural mythology of there."

Nadia (Olga Fonda)

The mysterious Czech beauty follows Matt home after his torrid romance of summer abroad with Rebekah at the premiere of the season. "Who is, is the great mystery. Seems to be just some momentary they left behind in their European Tourbillon, but when it appears, it makes clear that there's more in it than it seems at first glance, "Plec says. "Between she and Silas, definitely have our hands full of people causing trouble in Mystic Falls. "Advance extra:" people should expect everything with Matt this season, but we cannot say anything about it ", Plec says."Matt has got a good plot this year. Starts with a sexy and intense event in Prague, and from there continued. "Our small Matty has had a good summer."

Dr. Wes Maxfield (Rick Cosnett)

You will remember that Whitmore University is where Bonnie's grandmother taught, as well as Professor Shane. So you can understand why Elena and Caroline might think this bright, young and sexy Professor of Microbiology has something to hide when they manage to reach their advanced class trying to solve a mystery in episode 2, and it, in the words of Plec, "their attention instantly because they do not belong, the helplessness and take them."

Tessa (Janina Gavankar)

"' Like Nadia, reach our world still clearly not who seems to be," says Plec's exotic beauty that makes her first appearance in episode 3. She comes to Mystic Falls in order to rekindle an old love. "Part of the mystery is to find out who he is, he wants to, and why he wants it," Plec says.

Interview to Ian Somerhalder

The CW Fall Preview

Season 5: Promotional Images of the Cast

lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

Candice Accola on Caroline and Jesse

The Vampire Diaries Season 5 premiere is inching ever closer, and though things in Mystic Falls promise to be as crazy as ever, Candice Accola says Caroline and Elena (Nina Dobrev) are just looking for some normal. Wetpaint Entertainment spoke with the newly engaged actress while she was in hair and makeup for a shoot with Ford, and she explained why the vamps are attempting to leave the supernatural behind as they head to Whitmore College.

Can you tell us what you’re doing with Ford?

Ford is partnering up and helping CW launch and kick off on their series and season premieres. And by doing that they’ve enlisted agents to drive around their own Ford Fiesta, a 2014 Ford Fiesta, and go on these really exciting, fun adventures that they’re calling missions. And they get to go behind the scenes of their favorite CW shows to showcase their passion and their talent.

Will we see Caroline driving a Fiesta at college?

You know how Caroline loves her Ford Fiesta. I don’t think we’ve seen Caroline driving in college quite yet, but she’s definitely a Ford girl.

Congratulations on your engagement [to The Fray’s Joe King].

Thank you! Thanks so much.

So do you have a Pinterest board full of ideas?

Oh, yes. I’ve slipped down that slippery slope.

Have you started planning?

Kind of. By planning, just coming up with impractical ideas, then yes, I’ve been planning a lot.

So you don’t have a date set?

Between balancing me in Atlanta, him on the road or living in Denver, and then us working all over the place, we’re just focusing on seeing each other as much as we can.

Between the new guy Jesse, Tyler, and Klaus, Caroline basically has a different guy every day of the week. What can you tell us about Caroline and Jesse?

Caroline and Jesse. Jesse is a boy at college that Caroline and Elena meet and he happens to be very good looking, which is weird for The CW. They’re trying something new this year.

That’s it?

He’s another student at Whitmore College, where the girls are going, and so there’s a budding friendship that a lot of people have speculated on potentially being more than that. But it’s still early in the series.

Will Jesse and some of the other newcomers be savvy to the vampire world or will they be completely in the dark?

Right now as we kick off into Season 5 of The Vampire Diaries, with the girls going to college, it actually has a really beautiful start, where they’re really just focused on being college freshman. And they’re really just looking for that human experience of what it means to go to college for the first time. And so there’s a really beautiful tone of that in the season opener. So, obviously with other storylines, we’re going to keep on — there’s still supernatural storylines going on within the series. As far as Caroline and Elena are concerned, they’re really just focusing on having a human experience. And so those that are surrounding them as well — that’s kind of the world that they’re in now. They’re running away from the supernatural world.

Catch the Season 5 premiere of The Vampire Diaries on Thursday, October 3, 2013, at 8 pm ET on The CW.

Stelena has still a chance?

Question: I’m so excited about season 5 of The Vampire Diaries! In the new promo, there was moment where it seemed like Stefan was flirting with Katherine. Now that Elena is with Damon, does this mean that Stefan has his eyes on Katherine? —Rashad
Ausiello: Actually, if you caught the finale, it means Silas has eyes for Katherine. But trust me when I say, his intentions with the now-human rabble-rouser are far from amorous.

More Vampire Diaries details on Stefan and Elena, please! Last week's spoiler got me so excited! — Kaitlin
ADAM: More good news for Team Stefan! Paul Wesley recently said that he believes that Stefan will never truly get over Elena. "That love has to always exist," he says. So how will they keep the triangle alive now that Damon and Elena are so happily in love? Look for an early-season reveal that suggests that Elena and Stefan will forever be linked.

Game Changer, new promo from season 5

Season 5 Poster

Today was released the first promotional image of the fifth season, and from The Vampire Diaries in Spanish have performed an analysis on the relationship between location of the characters in the picture and the main frame of the new season


-On the one hand, the plot of Stefan / Silas is evident by the presence of force against Silas doing what looks like the reflection of Stefan, who remember is locked deep into a lake.

-For other a totally Damon and Elena back and clearly separate Katherine that seems to stand between the two. Trouble in paradise?

-Matt is clearly located in the center of the whole network. Julie Plec said that Matt would have a very important plot this season. In the first chapters we will see the first signs of that will be that frame. It certainly seems to be the center of everything and everyone.

-Another obvious pattern is that of Jeremy and Bonnie, since the latter can only contact him from the other side. What I assume will cause a greater "rapprochement" between the two.

-And finally, Tyler and Caroline. The mere existence of Tyler in the series makes sense in relation to the character of Caroline, so surely also have a plot ready for these two. Surprising too, that the happy Caroline seen a suit so dark and dismal compared to red Elena. Will we see a dark Caroline perhaps?

The sentence that names the poster says "blood lines have been burned. Battle lines are drawn."

The Originals: Interview and Photoshoot from the Cast for TVGuide


COLLEGE DAYS - After spending the summer desfrutando of his passionate relationship with Damon (Ian Somerhalder), and make sure that Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) is adjusting to his return from the dead, Elena (Nina Dobrev) is delighted to enter the homes of students from the nearby University Whitmore with her new roommate, Caroline (Candice Accola). Still believing that Bonnie (Kat Graham) has been traveling all summer and will soon join them, Elena and Caroline are surprised when a student named Megan (guest star Hayley Kiyoko) appears and announces that they will share bedroom. Katherine (Nina Dobrev) makes an unexpected appearance at the Salvatore house and Damon begs help now that is human and vulnerable to his enemies. Matt (Zach Roering) and Rebekah (Claire Holt) return to Mystic Falls after spending a wild summer in Europe, where they found a mysterious beauty named Nadia (guest star Olgafonda). Elena can not help feeling that something is wrong with Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Silas (Paul Wesley) makes an appearance at the party terrifying "End of Summer" in the town square. Lance Anderson directed the episode written by Caroline Dries.