viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2013

5 things we should know about Season 5


ETonline had access to the first episode of season five and it say: "it is without doubt the best season's premiere The Vampire Diaries has had".

"Not only does a stellar overview of what has happened in the last three months, but they also present three new mysteries while continuing to expand the mythology..."

We can not advance much of the plot of the episode but here are 5 things that you should know.

1. The first is the first, the elephant in the room. Those who think that the rupture in real life of Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder could affect negatively the relationship between Damon and Elena, you are totally wrong. Not only they are two fully professional actors, but that their relationship is more ardent than ever... and it is put to very good use in the first six minutes. And that includes two separate Damon shirtless scenes...

2. Delena aren't the only which have sex in their minds. Matt is a pimp. A PIMP. Their European adventure with Rebekah provides undoubtedly Mabekah fans exactly the rupture they wanted before she went to New Orleans (a.k.a. TheOriginals spinoff).Sadly, Matt brings something worse than an STD Europe.

3. Questionable reasons appear in the season's premiere when they appear a couple of new characters with a curious history. The most notable is Megan, the unexpected--and unwanted--new roommate of Elena and Caroline. You have to take a look because Julie Plec and company never introduce a character without a reason. Even April had a purpose, right?

4. The purpose of Katherine this season revealed as something much more significant to simply show the side effects of taking the cure. Although towards the end of the episode we were asking why exactly [SPOILER] keeps our old vampire in such high esteem. And her dopplengager continues being a problem for her future.

5. The other dopplegangers, Silas and Stefan, have also other reasons to twinkle (quite literally in the case of Stefan since their enclosed hallucinations are impressive works of a large outbreak of beauty.) Meanwhile, the epic moment of Silas displayed the progress of the Comic Con acquires greater force during the episode. And a specific time was omitted intentionally from that scene, ensuring that you gritaréis "OMG!" as the episode fades to black.

2 comentarios:

  1. I´m very excited to know all about this new season and especially Delena´s moments, finally Elena has left aside Stefan, i feel sorry for him but i wanted that she choosed Damon... Silas-Stefan thing is really annoying but it will be very interesting. I also wanna know about the Katherine Human part, it will be very funny!!:) Love your blog

    1. Sorry I coudln't answer you till now! I just saw it! I totally agree with you, this season 5 will be great! Thanks a lot, if you want to folow it don't doubt it! :)))
