sábado, 19 de enero de 2013

There will be an approachment between Rebekah and Damon?


If you did not see the episode of this week (4.10: After School Special), stop reading now. The love triangle central took an interesting new twist. Julie Plec gives us some track of what is coming.

Rebekah compelled Elena to tell the truth about why she slept with Damon, and Elena said that it was not for the link - that it was because she loves him. Elena later called Damon and told him that she felt that it was real, and told him: "I love you". This resolves the debate or there is still some doubts?

Julie Plec: I think that at the end Elena is so sure of what she feels for Damon, that at that time, it is sufficient for Damon. Yes, of course, that question is still in the air and always will exist. This is not necessarily an end point, now that it has been said that word ["love"]. The doubt will still be there. And it will continue bothering Damon during the next episodes. Elena will have to continue fighting for this and how muchs he believes in it. But at this point, these two people who have been trying with great difficulty doing things well and kept away one from the other, and after two horrible days really long, they need to be together. Believing that it is only real for a moment, it is sufficient for Damon. And, incidentally, that song [Snow Patrol "New York", which was heard during the telephone call], which was the song that we wanted to use during the kiss between Damon and Elena in the episode 10 of last year, we lost it just a week before issuing the episode. So I've had that song reserved for a year waiting for the right time to use it again.

Stefan and Rebekah in the same team is a good change.

Julie Plec: We've seen Stefan auto - destroy in many different ways, and they are usually quite dark and violent. We think that an interesting response by his party because of the loss of his girl, feel cheated and betrayed, having shattered heart, would be solely focused on getting the cure for an end to all this misery - either for him and Elena, or perhaps to place it by the throat from the throat of Damonwho knows [laughter]--and ally with which probably is the most self-destructive person. He gets in bed with which obviously is the mortal enemy of Elena. So we are very excited to have the opportunity to form this Alliance.

Rebekah gave rise to a new question when he said that Klaus had erased the memory of Stefan this felt to her. Will those feelings resurface? Is it a new question to add to all this mess?

Julie Plec: Well, you know, we discovered a wonderful feeling when we introduced for the first time her character (Rebekah), then each of their individual stories led them in a different direction, so it is something in which we have never had the opportunity to deepen. And, however, it existed, while Stefan was a very different person. Well, I think that there will be a bit of nostalgia attached to a time when both were in a very different place. I do not see a world in which Stefan wakes up and says: "Oh my God, I have been with the girl wrong all the time." I don't think that's the case at all. In fact, I think that the of hates to Rebekah and everything she represents. However, there are some good memories there that will reappear and give them a truce.

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