viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012

6 things you must know about "The Killer"


This week's episode of The Vampire Diaries named "The Killer", was written by Michael Narducci. If you don't remmember him, he is the one who writed the last season the terror show named "The Reckoning", one of the most liked episodes of the series - and with "The Killer", he hasn't disappointed us.

In the episode, the vampire hunter Connor takes Matt, April and Jeremy as hostages in the Grill, attracting like this to their vampire friends to save them... and making them fall in his impresionant trap. The best of the episode is that it shows as a strong Elena and able to be in charge. She'll get benefit of the combination of her power as a vampire and her habilites that she improved with Alaric.

"I already have been a while in the series, and that Elena does more things is something for what i figth", says Narducci, marking that it's an episode that he was particularly fascinated in writing. "I don't want her to be a damsel in distress. I want her to get out and protect her brother. We think, if Jeremy is in danger and we have Matt which is her high school boyfriend in danger, what she would do? She's gonna wait for the rest to decide to participate and that they save all instead of her, or she'll get involved and will do something?"

Her decisions in this episode are difficult, but they give us a good reason to feel more close to our girl again, that we need after how she put in plan "poor of me" last week.

Besides of the tough girl and vampire Elena that we'll see in tonight's chapter, here we leave another 6 things that you should know about "The Killer":

1.  In a moment of the episode, Damon and Elena will be in a bed together. But don't emotion too much... they aren't exactly happy of being there. (Though she's above him, why is probable that you can benefit in the different creations that you do in Tumblr. We'll be searching between the #Delena tags, so be creatives).

2.  Caroline benefits of her super vampire hearing and hears by chance Klaus threatining Tyler about what happened between him and Hyley on the mountain. No reason why saying that Caroline isn't happy - and we get big scenes between Candice Accola and Phoebe Tonkin in consecuence of it.

3.  We'll see the return of the vampire diaries, literally. With no one who talk with about all their intern cofussion, like they're hiding the things one of the other, Stefan and Elena return to write in their diaries. Is without doubt the sign of a crecent distancement between them.

4.  Jeremy will ind out that they force him to forget really quickly, and he's not going to be any happy. In fact, he's sick and tired of the vampire secrets in town - and at the episode ending, he'll do something to protect April of all that.

5.  The small "fight between Stefan and Damon intensifies in this episode, a lot, when Stefan clamps for mantaining the cure in secret. The two boys get really violents, but at the episode's ending, the link between Damon and Stefan is the relationship more stable of the city.

6.  Definitively the professor Shane has a really dangerous plans, but he's also deciding to protect Bonnie. She is all the episode with him, making her magic to come back... and she's the most vulnerable of the manipulation that we were all thinking.

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