viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

Spoiler Alert! Damon and Elena return to the Wickery Bridge


In "The Vampire Diaries", there are a few locations so iconics and essentials as the Wickery Bridge. Is where Elena's parents died, when she and Stefan had their first interaction, when Stefan almost kills her when he was in the "ripper vengative" mode, and, of course, when she converted into a vampire at the final of the 3rd season. The moments most devastatings and terrorifics for Elena have had place on that bridge - and now, it's returned, like it evidences in this photos of the next episode 4<06 "We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes".

In this episode, Elena suffers alucinations (we can't tell you why, but the episode of this weel "The Five" can give you some ideas) - and she is so atterorised and confused that she makes a terrible error. We're gonna expect that this error doesn't involve the bridge - nothing good happens there.

It seems like Damon arrives on time for what whatever comes down, what is good, cause in reality spends most of the episode with Bonnie, learning about an old form of witchery of the professor Shane... who could have a sorprinsingly conexion with Matt. Meanwhile, Stefan and Klaus help Jeremy to arrrive  an agreement with his new responsabilities after a regime change and, finally, Stefan and Elena share a heartbreaking moment when she makes him a confession.

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